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August 06, 2024 by Weedwonderland 4 minutes

Gettin’ the Lowdown on the Cannabis Swab Test: A Londoner’s Guide

how to pass a drug swab test in UK
  • Weed in UK
As the chat about weed laws keeps goin’ on in the UK, and with places all over the world switchin’ things up, bosses, the feds, and other folks in London are tweakin’ their drug testin’ game to catch people who’ve had a cheeky toke recently. One of the main ways they’re doin’ this is with a swab test for cannabis. So, let’s break down what this test is, how it works, what it picks up on, and how you might slip through it.

What’s a Cannabis Swab Test Then?

A cannabis swab test, sometimes called an oral fluid test or saliva test, is a quick way to suss out if you’ve been on the green by checkin’ your spit. Unlike piss or blood tests that can tell if you’ve been puffin’ for a while, a swab test is more about catchin’ you out if you’ve had a spliff in the last day or so, usually within 24-48 hours. This test is catchin’ on in workplaces and for roadside stops by the feds in London ’cause it’s easy to do, doesn’t involve any needles or peein’ in cups, and gives quick results. They stick a swab in your gob, usually between your gums and cheek, to get a bit of saliva. Then they check if it’s got THC, the stuff in weed that gets you high.

How Does the Cannabis Swab Test Work?

When you blaze, THC and its mates get into your bloodstream and then end up in your spit. The swab test picks up on these. Thing is, THC doesn’t hang about in your saliva for too long, so the test is best at clockin’ if you’ve had a smoke recently. How sharp the test is can change depending on a few things: the kind of test they’re using, how long it’s been since your last toke, and how much you smoked. Some tests are well sensitive and can pick up THC not long after you’ve smoked, while others might only catch it for up to 24 hours.

How to Pass a Drug Swab Test

Worried about how to dodge a drug swab test in London, especially where they might still be keepin’ tabs on you even if it’s kinda legal? Here’s a few tricks that might help:
  1. Time Your Usage: The safest way to pass a cannabis swab test is to lay off the weed for at least 24-48 hours before the test. The longer you go without a puff, the better your chances.
  2. Hydrate and Keep Your Mouth Fresh: Drink loads of water and make sure your gob’s clean. Brush your teeth, floss, and rinse with mouthwash to help lower the THC in your spit. It might not clear it all out, but it helps.
  3. Chewing Gum or Mints: Some reckon chewing gum or suckin’ on mints gets your saliva flowin’ and waters down the THC in your mouth. Might help, but don’t bet the farm on it.
  4. Detox Mouthwash: There are special mouthwashes that say they can knock down or hide THC in your spit for a bit. Use ’em right before the test and they might help keep you in the clear.
  5. Avoid Smoky Spots: Even if you haven’t been tokin’, hangin’ out with your mates who are can get some THC in your spit too. Best to steer clear of smokey seshes before the test.

The Future of Cannabis Swab Tests in London

As weed laws keep shiftin’, so will the ways they test for it. While the cannabis swab test is the go-to in London right now, it’s got its flaws, especially when it comes to tellin’ if you’re buzzed or just had a smoke recently. Research is ongoing, and better, fairer ways of testin’ might be comin’ that can tell the difference between a recent puff and bein’ off your head. For now, knowin’ how the cannabis swab test works and bein’ ready for it can help you deal with it if you’re ever in a tight spot. Whether you’re worried about a work test or gettin’ pulled over, stayin’ clued up is your best bet.

All about weed at online shop Weed Wonderland

The swab test for cannabis is a common way in London to see if you’ve had a cheeky toke recently. It’s quick and easy but can raise questions about how fair it is, especially when it comes to tellin’ if you’re really high or just have some THC left in your system. If you’re facin’ a cannabis swab test, knowin’ how to pass a drug swab test can help you make the right moves and up your chances of passin’. But as with any drug test, the surefire way to pass is to lay off the weed before the test day. To avoid concerns about cannabis testing, opt for lighter products such as vapes. You’ll find a wide selection of THC vape E-Liquid in our catalog.